Cafeteria Plan (POP) Document
The Cafeteria Plan permits employees to pay for their share of the cost of employer-sponsored insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars. Employees electing to participate reduce their salary in an amount equal to their share of the insurance premium. The employer saves money as well by avoiding the FICA match requirement.
There are many reasons why these plans are one of the most popular benefits available. A formal plan document is required and IEB can provide the Plan Document, Summary Plan Description, and applicable forms for you.
The IRS requires your Cafeteria Plan be updated every seven (7) years, even if there have been no IRS required updates or updates required by the employer.
Self Administration
Some employers may wish to administer their flexible benefits plan, qualified transportation plan, and/or health reimbursement arrangement in house. Those employers will need a Plan Document for the plan(s) they choose to offer and administer. IEB also offers services to assist those employers.
Plan Documents, Forms, and Worksheets
All of the required documents and forms necessary to establish and maintain a reimbursement plan will be provided to you.
Non-Discrimination Testing
IEB will provide non-discrimination testing and report the results to you. If your plan does not pass the non-discrimination testing, we will provide the analysis and applicable steps necessary to resolve.
Telephone Support
IEB offers toll-free support for a specified period of time to assist you and your employees with questions and concerns regarding your reimbursement plan.